Wednesday, May 20, 2015

बैंक में जमा करने पर गोल्ड से होगी कमाई

फाइनैंस मिनिस्ट्री ने मंगलवार को गोल्ड मॉनेटाइजेशन स्कीम का ड्राफ्ट पेश किया। इस स्कीम का मकसद भारतीयों के घरों में पड़े हुए गोल्ड को फाइनैंशल सिस्टम में लाना है ताकि उसकी वैल्यू अनलॉक हो सके। इस योजना के तहत मिलने वाले ब्याज पर टैक्स न लेने का प्रस्ताव है, वहीं ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों को जोड़ने के लिए प्रावधान किया गया है कि कम से कम 30 ग्राम सोने से भी शुरुआत की जा सकती है।

मंत्रालय चाहता है कि गोल्ड की हाउसहोल्ड और इंस्टिट्यूशनल होल्डिंग्स का उपयोग करते हुए इस कीमती धातु के आयात पर निर्भरता घटाई जाए। आम लोगों के अलावा इस स्कीम से मंदिर ट्रस्टों, जूलर्स और बैंकों को भी फायदा होगा।

सरकार इस स्कीम को वेल्थ टैक्स, कैपिटल गेंस टैक्स और इनकम टैक्स से छूट दे सकती है। ड्राफ्ट पर सार्वजनिक प्रतिक्रियाएं मिल जाने के बाद योजना को अंतिम रूप दिया जाएगा। अनुमान है कि देश में तमाम घरों में कुल 20,000 टन सोना पड़ा हुआ है।

फाइनैंस मिनिस्टर अरुण जेटली ने फरवरी के अपने बजट भाषण में ऐसी स्कीम का वादा किया था। उन्होंने कहा था, 'नई स्कीम गोल्ड डिपॉजिटर्स को अपने मेटल अकाउंट में ब्याज हासिल करने का मौका देगी। वहीं, जूलर्स को अपने मेटल अकाउंट पर लोन मिल सकेगा।'

ड्राफ्ट के अनुसार, डिपॉजिट बुलियन या जूलरी किसी भी रूप में किया जा सकेगा। कस्टमर को अपनी जूलरी 350 हॉलमार्किंग सेंटर्स में से किसी एक पर टेस्ट करानी होगी ताकि यह पता चले कि उसमें कितना प्योर गोल्ड है। इन सेंटर्स को ब्यूरो ऑफ इंडियन स्टैंडर्ड्स ने सर्टिफिकेट दिया है। अगर कस्टमर उस सेंटर के आकलन से सहमत होता है, तो वह बैंक में सोना जमा करने के लिए नो योर कस्टमर फॉर्म भरेगा और अपने सोने को पिघलाए जाने की इजाजत देगा। इसमें बमुश्किल 45 मिनट लगेंगे। इसके बाद जूलरी की प्रोसेसिंग होगी और प्योर गोल्ड को तीन-चार घंटों की प्रक्रिया के बाद अलग किया जाएगा।

अगर संबंधित व्यक्ति इस स्कीम से फिर भी हटना चाहे तो वह बार के रूप में अपना गोल्ड वापस ले सकता है। जो लोग स्कीम से जुड़े रहना चाहेंगे, उन्हें सर्टिफिकेट दिया जाएगा, जिसका इस्तेमाल बैंक में गोल्ड डिपॉजिट अकाउंट खोलने में होगा। ऐसे डिपॉजिट पर इंटरेस्ट रेट बैंक तय करेगा। मोतीलाल ओसवाल प्राइवेट वेल्थ मैनेजमेंट के डायरेक्टर (इनवेस्टमेंट एडवाइजरी) आशीष शंकर ने कहा, 'इस स्कीम में इंटरेस्ट रेट अट्रैक्टिव होना चाहिए। स्कीम की सफलता के लिए जरूरी है कि पूरी प्रक्रिया आसान हो।'

ड्राफ्ट में बताया गया है, 'गोल्ड जमा करने वालों को दिए जाने वाले प्रिंसिपल अमाउंट और इंटरेस्ट का वैल्यूएशन गोल्ड में होगा। मसलन, अगर कस्टमर ने 100 ग्राम गोल्ड जमा किया और उसे 1 पर्सेंट ब्याज मिलने वाला हो तो मच्योरिटी पर वह 101 ग्राम गोल्ड की वैल्यू का हकदार होगा।' कस्टमर्स के पास रिडेम्प्शन के वक्त कैश या गोल्ड लेने का विकल्प होगा। हालांकि इसके बारे में डिपॉजिट के वक्त ही बताना होगा। मिनिमम टेनर एक साल होगा।

Wage Revision:10th Bipartite Settlement: Bank Officers Cost/ Distribution Sheet Signed, Wage Revision Final Sign up on 25 May 2015

Now Four Officer Organisations of Bank Employees will sign the new scales and cost sheet at 2 pm tomorrow (20.05.2015). The information received from AIBOC General Secretary Sri Harvinder Singh.
Now Bank Employees are really going to get their 10th Bipartite Settlement finally signed.
As sources said , the bank employees wage revision final agreement will be signed on 25th May, 2015.

As per MOU of 23.02.2015 the time period for final signing was fixed within 90 days from the date of MOU means on or before 23.05.2015. 
RBI conveyed their NOC for 2nd and 4th Saturday’s off, which has been forwarded by IBA with recommendation to govt.
As Sri Harvinder Singh communicated, though this has  hastened the process of notification by govt in this regard, actual implementation of two Saturday’s off may still take time.

No Impact of Writ Petition on Agreement Signup, since HC has not Passed Stay Order 

There was an attempt by "We Bankers" to stop agreement between IBA and associations unions by legal means. A writ petition was filed by "We Bankers" against Deputy CLC, Kanpur in Allahabad High Court. 
Allahabad High Court has directed Deputy CLC to decide the Industrial Dispute raised by We Bankers with in a period of six months.
In this regard, it may be noted that a dispute was filed by "We Bankers" with Deputy CLC against current bipartite on 23rd January, which was not replied by Deputy CLC. "We Bankers" launched and email campaign to which Deputy CLC replied that as per Section 36 of the ID Act only unions registered under the Trade Unions Act can raise dispute. Against this a writ was filed in Allahabad High Court to which Honourable Court has directed Deputy CLC to decide the Industrial Dispute raised by We Bankers with in a period of six months.
A release by "We Bankers" say, "Apart from demands of equality and parity by bringing bank employees under the purview of Pay Commission. One more important point is with regard to authority and competence of retired leaders to negotiate on behalf of bank employees."
"The same will be placed before Deputy CLC demanding status quo in the matter and issuing notices to all the parties.", it added. However, bank employees’ leaders have assured that there will be no impact on bipartite and joint note will be signed as High Court has not passed stay order on it. 
New Pay Scale and Distribution Chart for Clerk and Sub-Staff:
For award staffs, New Pay Scale distribution chart is finalised.
Sub-staff  Pay Scale : 9560 to 18545
Clerical Pay Scale       : 11765 to 31540 (20 Stages)
8 Stag. increment - Clerical - 5 once in 3 yrs and 3 once in 2 yrs - 8th stag. Inc. w.e.f.1.5.2015
DA - 0.10% per slab
HRA - 10%, 9% and 7.50% (Only 3 areas)
Transport Allowance : upto stage-15 - 425 stage 16 & above - 470
Medical - 2200
Spl Allowance @ 7.75% of Basic with DA thereon
Settlement may be signed on 25th. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Union Budget 2015 - Highlights

Finance minister Arun Jaitley presented the first full-year Budget of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government on Saturday.

Here are the highlights of the Union Budget 2015:

Fiscal deficit

* Fiscal deficit seen at 3.9 per cent of GDP in 2015/16
* Will meet the challenging fiscal target of 4.1 per cent of GDP
* Remain committed to meeting medium term fiscal deficit target of 3 per cent of GDP
* Current account deficit below 1.3 per cent of GDP
* Jaitley says have to keep fiscal discipline in mind despite need for higher investment


* GDP growth seen at between 8 per cent and 8.5 per cent y/y
* Aiming double digit growth rate, achievable soon


* Expects consumer inflation to remain close to 5 per cent by March, opening room for more monetary policy easing
* Monetary policy framework agreement with the RBI clearly states objective of keeping inflation below 6 per cent
* "One of the achievements of my government has been to conquer inflation. This decline in my view represents a structural shift."


* Revenue deficit seen at 2.8 per cent of GDP
* Non tax revenue seen at Rs 2.21 trillion
* Agricultural incomes are under stress


* Government targets Rs 410 billion from stake sales in companies
* Total stake sale in 2015/16 seen at Rs 695 billion

Market reforms

* Propose to merge commodities regulator with SEBI
* To bring a new bankruptcy code
* Jaitley says will move to amend the RBI act this year, and provide for a monetary policy committee
* To set up public debt management agency
* Proposes to introduce a public contract resolution of disputes bill
* To establish an autonomous bank board bureau to improve management of public sector banks

Policy reforms

* To enact a comprehensive new law on black money
* Propose to create a universal social security system for all Indians
* To launch a national skills mission soon to enhance employability of rural youth
* To raise visa-on-arrival facility to 150 countries from 43
* Allocates Rs 346.99 billion for rural employment guarantee scheme


* Gross market borrowing seen at Rs 6 trillion
* Net market borrowing seen at Rs 4.56 trillion

General anti-avoidance rules (GAAR) 

* Government defers rollout of anti-tax avoidance rules GAAR by two years
* GAAR to apply prospectively from April 1, 2017
* Retrospective tax provisions will be avoided


* To abolish wealth tax
* Replaces wealth tax with additional 2 per cent surcharge on super rich
* Proposes to cut to 25 per cent corporate tax over next four years
* Corporate tax of 30 per cent is uncompetitive
* Tax exemption for transport allowance increased from Rs 800 to Rs 1600 per month
* Individual tax payer will benefit to the extent Rs.4,44,200/- from the exemptions announced
* Increased in deduction for Health insurance from Rs. 15000 to Rs. 25000. For senior citizens
increased to 30,000.
* Exemptions to individual tax payers will remain same
* Net gain from tax proposals seen at Rs 150.68 billion
* Jaitley proposes modification of permanent establishment norms so that the mere presence of a fund manager in India would not constitute a permanent establishment of the offshore fund, resulting in adverse tax consequences.
* Proposes to rationalise capital gains tax regime for real estate investment trusts
* Expects to implement goods and services tax by April 2016
* To reduce custom duty on 22 items
* Basic custom duty on commercial vehicle doubled to 20 per cent
* Proposes to increase service tax rate and education cess to 14 per cent from 12.36 per cent
* Plans to introduce direct tax regime that is internationally competitive on rates without exemptions
* To enact tough penalties for tax evasion in new bill
* Tax department to clarify indirect transfer of assets and dividend paid by foreign firms


* Investment in infrastructure will go up by Rs 700 billion in 2015/16 over last year
* Plans to set up national investment infrastructure fund
* Proposes tax-free infrastructure bonds for projects in roads, rail and irrigation projects
* Proposes 5 "ultra mega" power projects for 4,000MW each
* Second unit of Kudankulam nuclear power station to be commissioned
* Will need to build additional 100,000km of road
* Ports in public sector will be encouraged to corporatise under Companies Act


* Plan expenditure estimated at about Rs 4.65 trillion
* Non-plan expenditure seen at about Rs 13.12 trillion
* Allocates Rs 2.46 trillion for defence spending
* Allocates Rs 331.5 billion for health sector
* If revenue improves, hope to raise budgeted allocations for rural job scheme by Rs 50 billion


* Propose to do away with different types of foreign investment caps and replace them with composite caps
* To allow foreign investment in alternative investment funds
* Public investment needed to catalyse investment


* To develop a sovereign gold bond
* To introduce gold monetisation scheme to allow depositors to earn interest
* To introduce Indian-made gold coin to reduce demand for foreign gold coins


* Food subsidy seen at Rs 1.24 trillion
* Fertiliser subsidy seen at Rs 729.69 billion
* Fuel subsidy seen at Rs 300 billion
* We are committed to subsidy rationalisation based on cutting leakages


· Govt announces AIIMS institutions in J& K , Punjab , Himachal Pradesh and Assam.
· ISM Dhanbad will be upgraded to full IIT
· National Insurance scheme called PM Suraksha Bhima Yojana, offering coverage of 2 lakh rupees for just premium of Rs.12 per year.
· Defense budget has been enhanced to 2,46,727 crore rupees, an approx. increase of Rs. 25,000 crore

Note : Information has been compiled from The times of india and other source.

Monday, May 18, 2015

SBI PO - Schedule of SBI PO Recruitment 2015

SBI has announced the complete schedule for the SBI PO recruitment 2015-16.
State Bank of India has announced  dates for the exam, dates for call letter download, dates of interview and other important dates in respect of the Probationary Officers recruitment 2015-16.
You can download the entire schedule here

IBPS Examination 2015 – Tentative Calender of the IBPS already Announced

IBPS has released tentative calender for IBPS RRB IV and IBPS PO and Clerk V 2015. We are providing you a direct link and notification of IBPS.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

GST(Goods And Services Tax)

Recently GST(Goods and services Tax) was in headlines and the proposal is going rounds in the economic fraternity, GST when comes in to picture sooner or later will help economic scenario to a very large extent and will create a utopia for the companies and people. It is an important topic in terms of forthcoming examinations,  So let’s understand what GST is.

1.    What is GST?
It is an indirect tax that will lead to the abolition of all other taxes such as, central sales tax, state-level sales  tax, excise duty, service tax, and value-added tax (VAT). Both the state  and the central governments will impose GST on almost all goods and  services produced in India or imported into the country.

2.    What categories are exempt from GST?
Exports will not be subject to GST. Direct taxes, such as income tax, corporate tax and capital gains tax will not be affected.

3.    How will GST benefit the economy?
It will simplify India's tax structure, broaden the tax base, and create a common market across states. This will lead to increased compliance and increase India's  tax-to-gross domestic product ratio. According to a report by the National Council of Applied Economic Research, GST is expected to increase economic growth by between 0.9 per cent and 1.7 per cent.  Exports are expected to increase by between 3.2 per cent and 6.3 percent, while imports will likel rise 2.4-4.7 per cent, the study found.

4.    How will GST benefit corporate?
It will be beneficial for India Inc as the average tax burden on companies will fall. Reducing production costs will make exporters more competitive.

5.    Will goods and services become costly? 
The highest rate of taxation under GST will be around 15 per cent in the first year, and eventually come down to 12 per cent in the second year. By comparison, the current rate of the various indirect taxes levied in India amounts to roughly 20 per cent. Goods deemed necessary or of basic importance will be taxed at a lower rate.

6.    Will state governments lose out? 
Some states fear that a uniform tax rate, if lower than their existing rates, will dent collections.  However, the central government has said it will compensate states for the potential revenue loss. The reduced and uniform taxation will help more pouring of money in the state. 

7.    Can states decide to opt out of GST?
In a deviation from its earlier stand, the government has agreed for a phased roll-out of GST. States will also have the flexibility to opt out of GST.

8.    How will it become a reality? 
The GST can be implemented only through a Constitutional Amendment Bill, which means it needs to be approved by not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting in each House of Parliament. The GST must also be ratified by the legislatures of at least one-half of the states.

MUDRA Bank: Weighing the Possible Benefits

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the promised Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency Ltd (MUDRA) Bank on 8 April, 2015 with a corpus of Rs 20,000 crore and a credit guarantee corpus of Rs 3,000 crore. The launch was the fulfillment of an announcement made earlier by the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in his FY 15-16 Budget speech.
How Can MUDRA Bank Make a Difference to the Economy?

Most individuals, especially those living in rural and interior parts of India, have been excluded from the benefits of formal banking system. Therefore, they never had access to insurance, credit, loans and other financial instruments to help them establish and grow their micro businesses. So, most individuals depend on local money lenders for credit. The loan comes at high interest and often with unbearable conditions, which make these poor unsuspecting people fall in a debt-trap for generations. When businesses fail, the borrowers become vulnerable to the lender’s strong-arm tactics and other forms of humiliation.

As per NSSO Survey of 2013, there are close to 5.77 crore small-scale business units, mostly sole proprietorships, which undertake trading, manufacturing, retail and other small-scale activities. Compare this with the organised sector and larger companies that employ 1.25 crore individuals. Clearly, the potential to harness and nurture these micro businesses is vast and the government recognises this. Today, this segment is unregulated and without financial support or cover from the organised financial banking system.

The principal objectives of the MUDRA Bank are:

Regulate the lender and the borrower of microfinance and bring stability to the microfinance system through regulation and inclusive participation.
Extend finance and credit support to Microfinance Institutions (MFI) and agencies that lend money to small businesses, retailers, self-help groups and individuals.
Register all MFIs and introduce a system of performance rating and accreditation for the first time. This will help last-mile borrowers of finance to evaluate and approach the MFI that meets their requirement best and whose past record is most satisfactory. This will also introduce an element of competitiveness among the MFIs. The ultimate beneficiary will be the borrower.
Provide structured guidelines for the borrowers to follow to avoid failure of business or take corrective steps in time. MUDRA will help in laying down guidelines or acceptable procedures to be followed by the lenders to recover money in cases of default.
Develop the standardised covenants that will form the backbone of the last-mile business in future.
Offer a Credit Guarantee scheme for providing guarantees to loans being offered to micro businesses.
Introduce appropriate technologies to assist in the process of efficient lending, borrowing and monitoring of distributed capital.
Build a suitable framework under the Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana for developing an efficient last-mile credit delivery system to small and micro businesses.
Major Product Offerings

MUDRA Bank has rightly classified the borrowers into three segments: the starters, the mid-stage finance seekers and the next level growth seekers.

To address the three segments, MUDRA Bank has launched three loan instruments:
Shishu: covers loans upto Rs 50,000/-
Kishor: covers loans above Rs 50,000/- and upto Rs 5 lakh
Tarun: covers loans above Rs 5 lakh and upto Rs 10 lakh

Initially, sector-specific schemes will be confined to “Land Transport, Community, Social & Personal Services, Food Product and Textile Product sectors”. 
Over a period of time, new schemes will be launched to encompass more sectors.

Some of the Offerings Planned for the Future:
Portfolio Credit Guarantee
Credit Enhancement
Can MUDRA Really Be a Game Changer for India?

Yes it can. See the existing demographics. Majority of Indians are poor and live in rural and interior parts of India. Most are excluded from getting facilities that would be termed very basic, even by Indian standards.

Most people do not have access to farmland and in the absence of jobs, are left to their own creativity to feed themselves and survive. They figure out ways to do odd jobs in exchange of money or barter their services. Most of these people belong to scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes. It is to be noted that most of the micro enterprises, retail or trading activity, are initiated and controlled by women, with no exposure to education, formal training or access to any form of banking support.

Now visualise this. If India could harness this free spirit of enterprise and offer some guidance, support, training and financial assistance, the potential to get an immediate jump in GDP is there for the asking. Narendra Modi recognises this and was clear of the potential of this low-hanging fruit.

If MUDRA can continue to retain focus on the underprivileged and extend its reach to the interiors, it can well emerge as a bigger success story than what Grameen Bank of Bangladesh ever was or will be.

There is an old saying that goes like this: “Give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and he will never go hungry”. MUDRA Bank is a step by the government that can be a game changer in giving birth to a new set of entrepreneurs, some of whom may scale heights not imagined today. This is far better than giving subsidy, which may seem welcoming at first, but does little to help an individual strive for a better life. MUDRA is the way to go.

The modalities of functioning of MUDRA Bank are in place and it has been decided that the funding activity will be carried out by microfinance institutions. However, the small businesses have to wait to get full information on Mudra Bank and have a clarity on who all are eligible for loans and how to get the benefits of this scheme.

Here are 11 things you must know about MUDRA Bank and how it will benefit you:

What does it stand for?

Mudra Bank stands for Micro Units Development Refinance Agency (MUDRA). Also, Mudra, in Hindi, means currency.

Setting up

Mudra Bank is being set up through a statutory enactment and will be responsible for developing and refinancing through a Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana.

Last mile financiers

Since small entreprenuers are businssess are often cut off from banking system because of limited branch presence, Mudra Bank will partner with local coordinators and provide finance to "Last Mile Financiers" of small/micro businesses.


The Finance Ministry said measures to be taken up by MUDRA are targeted towards mainstreaming young, educated or skilled workers and entrepreneurs including women entrepreneurs.

5.77 crore

The bank will cater to 5.77 crore small business units that are spread all across India who currently find it difficult to access credit from the regular banking system.

Recovery method

Mudra Bank will ensure clients are properly protected and will lay down principles and methods of loan recovery in case of a default. The Bank will also rigidly follow "responsible financing practices" so deter borrowers from indebtedness.


The Bank will be set up with a corpus of Rs 20,000 crore and a credit guarantee fund of Rs 3,000 crore.


The Bank will nurture small businesses through different stages of growth and development of businesses termed as Shishu, Kishor and Tarun.


This iswill be the first step when the business is just starting up. The loan cover in this stage will be upto Rs 50,000.


In this stage, the entreprenuer will be eligible for a loan ranging from Rs 50,000 to Rs 5 lakh.


This last and final category will provide loans for upto Rs 10 lakh.

Recent Developments:
Hasmukh Adhia, union financial service secretary said that Mudra Bank will be first set up as a subsidiary of the Small Industries Development Bank of India and later will be converted to a full-fledged bank through an Act of Parliament. Adhia made this announcement during a ‘roundtable on financing of innovations’ which was attended by chiefs of banks and financial institutions, and also the President of India. Although Adhia did not disclose the details about the set up of Mudra Bank, he said that the Prime Minister will launch it soon.

ICICI PO Recruitment 2015 – Apply Online for PO Posts.

ICICI PO Recruitment 2015 – Apply Online for PO Posts: 

ICICI Bank, Manipal Acadamy has issued notification for the recruitment of Probationary Officer through Training Programme vacancies in the Batch of November 2015 & February 2016 Batch. Eligible candidates may apply online on or before 30-06-2015. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, exam fee & how to apply are given below…

ICICI PO Vacancy Details:

Name of the Post: Probationary Officer

Age Limit: Candidates age should be up to 25 years as on 30-06-2015 (should have been born on or after 30th June 1990).

Educational Qualification: Candidates should have Graduation with 55% (Aggregate) marks in any discipline.

Selection Process: Candidates are selected based on their performance in Online Aptitude test, Psychometric Assessment, Group Discussion, Merit List, Personal Interview.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through the website on or before 30-06-2015.

Instructions for Apply Online:
1. Logon to the website
2. Click on PO Recruitment—–> about the PO Process.
3. Click on apply here.
4. Read Instructions care fully.
5. Fill all mandatory details.
6. Click on Submit Button.
7. Take print out for future use.

Last Date to Apply Online: 30-06-2015.
For more details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, exam fee, how to apply & other information click on the link given below…

IDBI Bank Recruitment 2015 – Apply Online for 500 Executive Posts.

IDBI Bank Recruitment 2015 – Apply Online for 500 Executive Posts:

IDBI Bank has published a notification for the recruitment of 500 Executive vacancies on contractual basis. Eligible candidates may apply online from 06-05-2015 to 22-05-2015. Other details like age, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, how to apply are given below…

IDBI Bank Vacancy Details:

Total No. of Posts: 500

Name of the Post: Executive

Age Limit: Candidates age minimum 20 years and maximum 25 years as on 01-04-2015. Age relaxation is applicable for SC/ ST/ Ex Serviceman/ PWD applicants as per GOI rules.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Graduation from a recognized University.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on their performance in online test followed by personal interview.

Application Fee: Candidates have to pay Rs. 600/- (Rs. 100/- for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates) through online payment gateway using debit cards (RuPay/ Visa/ MasterCard/ Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through website from 06-05-2015 to 22-05-2015 and send their printout of application on or before 04-06-2015.

Instructions to Apply Online:
1. Before applying online candidates should have valid email id and Contact No.
2. Candidates are neatly scanned the photograph & Signature at the time of Online Registration.
3. Log on to the website
4. Click on Current Openings.
5. Click on Recruitment Notification for the Post of Executive.
6. Click on “Online Application for the Post of Executive”.
8. Read the Disclaimer and Click on Yes.
9. Click on New Registration.
10. Fill all the mandatory details.
11. Click on Submit Button.
12. Take print out of application form for future use.

Important Dates:

Starting Date for Submission of Online Applications: 06-05-2015.
Last Date for Submission of Online Application & Editing Application Details: 22-05-2015.
Payment of Application Fee/ Intimation Charges-Online: 06-05-2015 to 22-05-2015.
Last Date for Print out of Applications: 04-06-2015.
Date of Pre-Examination training for the
SC/ ST / OBC applicants at all centers: From 05-07-2015 to 10-07-2015.
Date of Online Test at all Centers: 11-07-2015.

For more details like age, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply & other information click on the link given below…

Computer Abbreviations for Banks Exams

Computer Abbreviations for Banks Exams
ACEAccess Control Entry
ADSL:Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AGP:Accelerated Graphics Port
AI:Artificial Intelligence
ALGOL:Algorithmic Language
ALU:Arithmetic Logic Unit
ANSI:American National Standards Institute
API:Application Program Interface
APIPA:Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing
APT:Automatically Programmed Tooling
ARP:Address Resolution Protocol
ARPANET:Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
ASCII:American Standard Code For Information Interchange
ASF:Advanced Streaming Format
ASP:Active Server Pages
ATAPI:Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
ATM:Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AUI:Attachment Unit Interface
AVI:Audio Video Interleave
BASIC:Beginner`s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCD:Binary Coded Decimal
BDPS:Business Data Processing Systems
BHTML:Broadcast Hyper Text Markup Language
BIOS:Basic Input Output System
BIU:Bus Interface Unit
BPS:Bytes Per Seconds
C-DAC:Centre For Development Of Advanced Computing
CAD:Computer Aided Design
CADD:Computer Added Drafting And Design
CAI:Computer Aided Instructuion
CAM:Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAR:Control Address Register
CASE:Computer Aided Software Engineering
CCIS:Common Channel Interoffice Signaling
CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate
CD:Compact Disc
CD RW:Compact Disc ReWritable
CDMA:Code Division Multiple Access
CDROM:Compact Disc Read Only Memory
CFG:Control Flow Graph
CGI:Common Gateway Interface
CGM:Computer Graphics Metafile
CIDR:Classless InterDomain Routing 
CIM:Computer Integrated Manufacture
CISC:Complex Instruction Set Computers
CIX:Commercial Internet Exchange
CLR:Common Language Runtime
CMOS:Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMS:Content Management System
CMYK:Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (Black)
COBOL:Common Business Oriented Language
CORBA:Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CPI:Clock Cycle Per Instruction
CPU:Central Processing Unit
CRC:Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRM:Customer Relationship Management
CROM:Control Read Only Memory
CRT:Cathode Ray Tube
CUI:Character User Interface
DAC:Digital To Analog Converter
DAO:Data Access Objects
DARPANET:Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
DBA:Data Base Administrator
DBMS:Data Base Management System
DCA:Defence Communication Agency
DCL:Data Control Language
DCOM:Distributed Component Object Model
DCP:Data Communication Processor
DDL:Data Definition Language
DDOS:Distributed Denial Of Service
DDP:Distributed Data Processing
DFD:Data Flow Diagram
DFS:Distributed File System
DHCP:Dynamic Host Control Protocol
DHTML:Dynamics Hyper Text Markup Language
DLC:Data Link Control
DLL:Dynamic Link Library
DMA:Direct Memory Access
DML:Data Manipulation Language
DMTF:Distributed Management Test Force
DNA:Distributed Internet Architecture
DNS:Domain Name System (Server)
DOM:Document Object Model
DOS:Disk Operating System, Denial Of Service
DPI:Dots Per Inch
DRAM:Dynamic Random Access Memory
DSL:Digital Subscriber Line
DSN:Digital Subscriber Network
DTD:Document Type Definition
DVD:Digital Versatile Disc
EAROM:Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory
EBCDIC:Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EDC:Electronic Digital Computer
EDCDIC:Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EEPROM:Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFS:Encrypted File System
EJB:Enterprise Java Beans
ENIAC:Electronics Numerical Integrator And Calculator
EPROM:Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EROM:Erasable Read Only Memory
ERP:Enterprise Resource Planning
EULA:End User License Agreement
FAT:File Allocation Table
FDD:Floppy Disk Drive
FDDI:Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDMA:Frequency Division Multiple Access
FIFO:First In First Out
FLOPS:Floating Point Operations Per Second
FO:Fiber Optics
FORTRAN:Formula Translation
FPS:Frames Per Second
FRAM:Ferro Electric Random Access Memory
FTP:File Transfer Protocol
GB:Giga Bytes
GIF:Graphic Interchange Format
GIGO:Garbage In Garbage Out
GML:General Markup Language
GPL:General Public License
GUI:Graphical User Interface
HDD:Hard Disk Drive
HFS:Hierarchical File System
HP:Hewlett Packard
HPC:High Performance Computing
HPFS:High Performance File System
HSR:Horizontal Scan Rate
HTML:Hyper Text Markup Language               
HTTP:Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
IO:Input Output
IBM:International Business Machines
IC:Integrated Circuit
ICMP:Internet Control Message Protocol
ICS:Reduce Instruction Set Computer
ICT:Information And Communication Technology
IDE:Integrated Development Environment
IE:Internet Explorer
IGMP:Internet Group Management Protocol
IL:Intermediate Language
IOP:InputOutput Processor
IP:Internet Protocol
IPX:Internetworked Packet Exchange
IRAM:Integration Ram
IRC:Internet Relay Chat
IRDA:Infrared Data Association
IRQ:Interrupt Request
ISAPI:Internet Server Application Program Interface
ISDN:Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO:International Standard Organization
ISP:Internet Service Provider
ISR:Interrupt Service Routine
IT:Information Technology
ITPL:Information Technology Park Limited (India)
JCL:Job Control Language
JDBC:Java Data Base Connectivity
JHTML:Java Within Hyper Text Markup Language
JPEG:Joint Photographic Experts Group
JSP: Java Server Pages
KB:Kilo Bytes
KBPS:Kilo Bytes Per Second
L2TP:Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
LAN:Local Area Network
LCD:Liquid Crystal Display
LDAP:Light Weight Directory Access Control
LIFO:Last In First Out
LIPS:Logical Interfaces Per Second
LOC:Lines Of Code
LSI:Large Scale Integration
LSP:Layered Service Provider
MAC:Media Access Control
MAN:Metropolitan Area Network
MAU:MultiStation Access Unit
MB:Mega Bytes
MBONE:Multicast Backbone
MBPS:Mega Bytes Per Second
MBR:Master Boot Record
MCP:Microsoft Certified Professional
MCS:Multicast Server
MDI:Multiple Document Interface
MDS:Microcomputer Development System
MFC:Microsoft Foundation Classes
MFT:Master File Table
MG:Mega Bytes
MICR:MagneticInk Characters Reader
MIDI:Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIMD:Multiple Instruction Multiple Data
MIME:Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIPS:Millions Of Instructions Per Second
MISD:Multiple Instruction Single Data
MODEM:Modulator And Demodulator
MP3:Motion Pictures Experts Group Layer 3
MPEG:Motion Pictures Experts Group
MSDN:Microsoft Developer Network
MSIIS:Microsoft Internet Information Server
MSIL:Microsoft Intermediate Language
MSMQ:Microsoft Message Queue
MSN:Microsoft Network
MSRAP:Microsoft Remote Administration Protocol
MSRPC:Microsoft Remote Procedure Call
MTS:Microsoft Transaction Server
MTU:Maximum Transmission Unit
MUDS:MultiUser Dungeons
NAS:Network Attached Storage
NASSCOM:National Association Of Software & Service Companies
NCP:Network Control Protocol
NDIS:Network Driver Interface Specification
NDRO:Nondestructive Read Out
NETBEUI:Netbios Enhanced User Interface
NIC:National Informatics Centre, 
NIIT:National Institute Of Information Technology
NNTP:Network News Transfer Protocol
NSFNET:National Science Foundation Network
NTFS:New Technology File System
NTP:Network Time Protocol
OCR:Optical Character Readers
ODBC:Open Data Base Connectivity
OLE:Object Linking And Embedding
OMR:Optical Mark Reader
ONE:Open Network Architecture
OOA:Object Orient Analysis
OOAD:Object Oriented Analysis And Design
OOP:Object Oriented Programming
OOPS:Object Oriented Programming System
OPEN GL:Open Graphics Library
OS:Operating System
OSI:Open System Interconnection
PC:Personal Computer
PCI:Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCMCIA:Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PDA:Personal Digital Assistant
PDF:Portable Document Format
PDL:Page Description Language
PDU:Protocol Data Unit
PIC:Programming Interrupt Control
PILOT:Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching
PLA:Programmable Logic Array
PLC:Programmable Logic Controller
PNG:Portable Network Graphics
PNP:Plug And Play
PPP:Peer To Peer Protocol
PPTP:Point To Point Tunneling Protocol
PROM:Programmable Read Only Memory
PS:Post Script
RADSL:RateAdaptive Digital Subscribes Line
RAID:Redundant Array Of Independent Disks
RAM:Random Access Memory
RAMDAC:Random Access Memory Digital To Analog Converter
RAS:Remote Access Network
RD RAM:Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
RDBMS:Relational Data Base Management System
RDO:Remote Data Objects
RDP:Remote Desktop Protocol
RFC:Request For Comments
RGB:Red Green Blue
RICS:Reduced Instruction Set Computer
RIP:Raster Image Processor
RISC:Reduced Instruction Set Computer
ROM:Read Only Memory
RPC:Remote Procedure Call
RTC:Real Time Clock
RTF:Rich Text Format
RTOS:Real Time Operating System
SACK:Selective Acknowledgements
SAM:Security Access Manager
SAP:Service Access Point, Systems Applications Products
SCMP:Software Configuration Management Plan
SD RAM:Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDD:Software Design Description
SDK:Software Development Kit
SDL:Storage Definition Language
SDN:Integrated Service Digital Network
SDRAM:Static Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDSL:Symmetric Digital Subscribes Line
SG RAM:Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
SGML:Standard Generalized Markup Language
SIM:Subscriber Identification Module
SIMD:Single Instruction Multiple Data
SISD:Single Instruction Single Data
SIU:Serial Interface Unit
SMP:Symmetric MultiProcess
SMS:Short Message Service
SMTP:Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNA:System Network Architecture
SNAP:Sub Network Access Protocol
SNMP:Simple Network Management Protocol
SNOBOL:String Oriented Symbolic Language
SOAP:Simple Object Access Protocol
SPX:Sequenced Packet Exchange
SQA:Statistical Quality Assurance
SQL:Structured Query Language
SRAM:Static Random Access Memory
SRS:Software Requirements Specification
STP:Shielded Twisted Pair
SVVP:Software Verification And Validation Plan
TAPI:Telephony Application Program Interface
TB:Tera Bytes
TCP:Transmission Control Protocol
TCPIP:Transmission Control Protocol  Internet Protocol
TDI:Transport Data Interface
TDMA:Time Division Multiple Access
TPM:Transactions Processing Monitor
TSR:Terminate And Stay Residents
UDD:User Datagram Protocol
UDP:User Datagram Protocol
UI:User Interface
UML:Unified Modelling Language
UNC:Universal Naming Convention
UNIX:Uniplexed Information And Computer Systems
URL:Universal Resource Locator
USB:Universal Serial Bus
USRT:Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitted
UTP:Unshielded Twisted Pair
VAN:Virtual Area Network
VAST:Very Small Aperture Terminal
VB:Visual Basic
VC++:Visual C++
VCD:Video Compact Disc
VDL:View Definition Language
VGA:Video Graphics Array
VHS:Video Home System
VLIW:Very Long Instruction Words
VLSI:Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits
VPN:Virtual Private Network
VRAM:Video Random Access Memory
VRML:Virtual Reality Modelling Language
VS:Visual Studio
VSNL:Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
VVR:Software Validation And Validation Report
VXD:Virtual Device Driver
W3C:World Wide Web Consortium
WAIS:Wide Area Information Servers
WAN:Wide Area Network
WAP:Wireless Application Protocol
WBEM:WebBase Enterprise Management
WDM:Wave Division Multiplexing
WHQL:Windows Hardware Quality Lab
WINDOWS ME:Windows Millennium Edition
WINDOWS NT:Windows New Technology
WINDOWS XP:Windows Experienced
WINS:Windows Internet Name Service
WMI:Windows Management Instrumentation
WML:Wireless Markup Language
WORM:Write Once Read Many
WSH:Windows Script Host
WWW:World Wide Web
WYSIWYG:What You See Is What You Get
XHTML:Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language
XML:Extensible Markup Language
XSL:Extensible Style Sheet Langauge
Y2K:Year 2000